Well, it has been a staggering seven years since I last wrote anything on these pages.
Just a few short months ago, when I revisited the blog and thought I ought to update it, I was preparing to explain why it was my stories had evaporated into the electronic ether - a tale of woe, betrayal and not a small amount of derring-do with some staggeringly beautiful maidens thrown in for good measure. It would have made a fine tale; funny and shocking in equal parts and would, of course, have been complete fiction. I am, after all, apparently, a writer.
The truth was far more prosaic. So much so that I am not even going to bother explaining it.
The reason I can do this is because, all of a sudden, I am to be published. A lovely lady by the name of Lisa Greener from Green Cat Books had a chat with me at a local book fair and decided to take a chance and read my short story collection. She also did a wondrous thing called editing, something I consider to be one of the darkest of dark arts and a skill reserved only for those who have sold their souls - and those of the whole village - to the devil himself.
In short, I have a publishing deal and my collection of supernatural short stories - The Aldwark Tales - will now be appearing on sale from March 1st.
I will be back with more details of this amazing turn of events over the next few weeks but for now, in the tradition of this blog, I think I need a tot or four of Somerset Cider Brandy.
Someone pass me the bottle.